conf érence de Matthew Husband (Ontologie et typologie des =?UTF-8?Q?_=C3=A9tats=29_?=- chgt. salle
Elena Soare
soarelena at GMAIL.COM
Sun Apr 27 18:29:09 UTC 2014
Veuillez noter le changement de salle - 159 (à vérifier à l'entrée).
Le projet *Ontologie et typologie des états* de la *Fédération Typologie et
Universaux Linguistiques*
a le plaisir de vous inviter, pour sa deuxième séance de cette année
à un exposé de
*E. Matthew Husband*
(University of Oxford)
*Quantity from a stative point of view*
Date : le 28 avril 2014
Heure : 14h – 17h
*Lieu : CNRS Pouchet – **salle 159*
Plan d’accès:
The idea that quantity is a core category of cognition has been with us as
early as Aristotle (and revitalized by Kant), and in more recent research
this notion has been formalized and refined, particularly in areas studying
nominals and events, to explain patterns of count/mass interpretation,
telicity, and their interaction (Borer, 2005; Kiparsky, 1998; Krifka, 1989,
1992, 1998; Verkuyl, 1993). In this talk, I consider quantity from a
stative point of view. I begin with observations of variable behavior in
the availability of an existential interpretation of a subject of
transitive stative predicates arising from the objects of stative verbs
(Fernald, 1994, 2000), suggesting that quantity is active in states and
drawing parallels between event and state interpretation (Husband, 2012).
These observations are then extended to the availability of an existential
interpretation of a subject of adjectival predicates, which appears to be
related to the adjective’s scale structure (Kennedy and McNally, 2005). I
propose that quantity underlies scalar interpretations, relating the
availability of existential interpretation again to quantity
representations of states. These proposals have consequences for a theory
of existential interpretation in which the quantity of a state’s temporal
structure as quantized or homogeneous relates to the possibility of
temporal modification (Percus, 1997) and the triggering of lifetime effects
for subjects (Musan, 1997).
La page du projet se trouve sous,1465.html
Elena Soare
Université de Paris 8
UFR Sciences du Langage
Bâtiment A salle 145
2 Rue de la Liberté,
sites web:
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