Workshop on Aspect and Argument Structure of Adverbs and Prepositions

Rafael Marin rafael.marin at UNIV-LILLE3.FR
Tue Jan 21 12:36:06 UTC 2014

  Workshop on Aspect and Argument Structure of Adverbs and Prepositions

TROMSØ, 12-13 JUNE 2014

Call Deadline: 15-Feb-2014

Call for Papers:

We invite submissions for 30 minute presentations (+10 of discussion) on 
any of these topics. If we get a high number of submissions, those that 
obtain a high score but cannot make it into the general session will be 
considered for a poster session. Abstracts should not be longer than two 
pages, including examples, tables, figures and references, and should be 
submitted to:

waasaptwo at <mailto:waasaptwo at>

Deadline for submission: 15 February 2014
Deadline for notification of acceptance: 11 April 2014
Workshop: 12-13 June 2014, University of Tromsø

In this workshop we would like to contribute to a better understanding 
of the nature of prepositions and adverbs and the limits between 
arguments and adjuncts by gathering researchers working on different 
aspects of argument structure and aspect of adverbs and prepositions. 
The questions we are interested in include, but are not restricted to, 
the following:

- Can inner and outer aspect primitives be reduced to the same 
prepositional-like elements?
- The argument structure of PPs: What are the theta-roles associated to 
Ps, and how is it different or similar to those of verbs?
- How rich is the internal structure of PPs and what correlations can be 
established between levels of complexity, argument structure and aspect?
- Is the internal structure of PPs similar, in terms of argument 
structure, to a split VP?
- Can Ps define events by themselves?
- How do prepositions contribute to the definition of internal aspect in 
verbs and adjectives?
- What is the role of prepositions inside verbal periphrases?
- Choice of P and the semantic interpretation of the argument introduced 
by P
- Adverbs and adverbial phrases as diagnostics for aspectual properties
- The internal structure of adverbs and the definition of their internal 
aspectual properties
- The position of adverbs and the interpretation of arguments
- NPs behaving as adverbs (Larson 1985) and adjuncts. What are the 
limits between arguments and adjuncts, and between nouns and adverbs, in 
terms or referentiality, modificability, etc.?
- What defines an adverb? What are the relevant subclasses of adverbs 
for grammar?
- Adverbs as arguments of verbs: Under which circumstances can an adverb 
be an argument of a verb?
- Adverbs as derived categories: Do adverbs inherit nominal or 
adjectival properties of their morphological bases?
- Vocatives in the limit between arguments and adjuncts, nouns and adverbs

Keynote Speakers:

Peter Svenonius (CASTL, Universitetet i Tromsø)
M. Teresa Espinal (CLT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)


Antonio Fábregas (Universitet i Tromsø)
María J. Arche (University of Greenwich)
Rafael Marín (Université Lille 3)

Scientific Committee:

Artemis Alexiadou (Universität Stuttgart)
María J. Arche (Universtiy of Greenwich)
Pavel Caha (Universitet i Tromsø)
Elena Castroviejo (CSIC)
Hamida Demirdache (Université de Nantes)
Marcel den Dikken (CUNY)
M. Teresa Espinal (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Ángel Gallego (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Berit Gehrke (Université Paris 7)
Wilhelm Geuder (Universität Tübingen)
Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
Antonio Fábregas (Universitet i Tromsø)
Sander Lestrade (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Rafael Marín (Université Lille 3)
Jaume Mateu (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Marina Pantcheva (Universitet i Tromsø)
Christopher Piñón (Université Lille 3)
Kyle Rawlins (Johns Hopkins University)
Cristina Real Puigdollers (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Juan Romeu (CSIC)
Martin Schäfer (Universität Jena)
Peter Svenonius (Universitet i Tromsø)
Mai Tungseth (Universitet i Tromsø)
Joost Zwarts (Universiteit Utrecht)

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