Conferences de Peter Auer =?windows-1252?Q?=E0_?=Paris
Isabelle LEGLISE
leglise at VJF.CNRS.FR
Fri Mar 7 14:28:18 UTC 2014
*Linguistique anthropologique et sociolinguistique*
*Conférences de Peter Auer*
Professeur à l’Université de Fribourg et professeur invité à l’EHESS
*Mercredi 5 mars, 11h-13h, salle 2 (105 bd Raspail)
*Dans le cadre du séminaire de Michel de Fornel**
*Sentences and their symbiotic guests: Structural latency and online syntax*
Many turn construction units borrow their external syntactic structure
from a structure activated beforehand, i.e. by a directly or indirectly
preceding unit. Formulating the same issue in a time-sensitive way, i.e.
from earlier to later utterances, we can say that all structural units
activate syntactic patterns that remain available for use in a
subsequent utterance for some time. This structural latencyopens up the
possibility for next utterances to re-use these patterns without
repeating them explicitly. This particular type of 'ellipsis' (often
called analepsis) is the topic of this lecture.
*Jeudi 6 mars, 11h-13h, salle 1 (105 bd Raspail)
*Dans le cadre du séminaire de Francis Zimmermann**
*Standardization and diversification:
Steps toward an urban sociolinguistics of German in the **longue durée*
On the basis of examples of phonological variation in German urban
language varieties, this lecture will attempt to make the following points:
(a) Most of sociolinguistics and social dialectology have been concerned
with form-oriented change and its spread across geographical space and a
society, but we have been less successful in accounting for how
linguistic variables are indexes of social groups and macro-categories.
(b) Investigating the meaning change in sociolinguistic variables
implies looking at linguistic variables as social indexes and analysing
multiple meanings that can be activated in different contexts at the
same or at subsequent historical stages. A theory that can deal with
this simultaneity is available if we combine Silverstein's notion of
indexical order with Eckert's notion of social style and indexical field.
(c) The examples of form-related variation discussed in this lecture
reach out into the past, sometimes into the distant past, but continue
to be relevant in present times. In a way, they can be considered to be
instances of an analysis in the longue durée transformed into a
sociolinguistic context.
*Mercredi 12 mars, 11h-13h, salle 2 (105 bd Raspail)
*Dans le cadre du séminaire de Michel de Fornel
*Gaze and its employment for turn taking revisited*
In film and video recordings done in the 1960-1980ies in which the
analyst's perspective was that of an on-looker of the two interactants,
the perspectives of the participants themselves were not directly
documented. In addition, the resolution of the recordings in natural
settings was not high enough to observe eye movement directly. The
analysis therefore had to be based on inferences — mostly based on the
analysis of head movements — which may be misleading. A new technology
of eye tracking (mobile eye tracking glasses) has very recently been
developed which makes it possible to observe participants' gaze
directly. This lecture reports on first analyses with dual mobile
eye-tracking technology in dyadic communication. Inter alia, I will
discuss the following questions: — Where exactly do co-participants look
when they look at the speaker? — Is it true that recipients have to look
at speakers while speakers only have to establish eye contact when
speaker shift is imminent? — Is gaze behaviour different in different
verbal activities? — When exactly and for how long is eye contact
possible and allowed without inviting inferences?
*Mercredi 19 mars, 11h-13h, salle 2 (105 bd Raspail)*
Dans le cadre du séminaire de Michel de Fornel**
*Constructions: Emerging and emergent *
*Séance–débat sur les Grammaires de construction*
*Jeudi 20 Mars, 11-13h, salle 1 (105 bd Raspail)
*Dans le cadre du séminaire de Francis Zimmermann**
*Code-mixing and language fusion: when bilingual talk becomes monolingual*
*Discutante: Isabelle Léglise (CELIA-CNRS)*
The aim of this paper is to look into the conventionalization of
bilingual speech and into its long-term grammaticization in the
structure of a language. More specifically, I will look into examples of
how language fusion can emerge from code-mixing. There seems to be
growing agreement today that even extreme results of language fusion –
so-called mixed languages – result from discourse-based mixing through
regularization and conventionalization. Such a development is also
compatible with the sociolinguistic embedding of language mixing at the
discourse level and that of radically fused lects: In both cases,
matters of group identity seem to be of utmost importance -- they are
not a mere matter of interference and substrate influence after language
acquisition or shift.
*/Peter Auer est Professeur de linguistique à l’Université de Freiburg
im Breisgau, Allemagne./ *
Ses publications portent notamment sur le bilinguisme et d’autres
questions de sociolinguistique, l’analyse des interactions, la
dialectologie, la syntaxe de la langue parlée, la phonologie et la prosodie.
/Quelques unes de ses publications/
Auer, Peter; Pfänder, Stefan, Eds. (2011). Constructions: Emerging and
Emergent. Walter de Gruyter.
Auer, Peter, Ed. (2007). Style and Social Identities: Alternative
Approaches to Linguistic Heterogeneity. Walter de Gruyter.
Auer, Peter; Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth; Muller, Frank (1999). Language in
Time: The Rhythm and Tempo of Spoken Interaction. Oxford University Press.
Auer, Peter, Ed. (1998). Code-Switching in Conversation: Language,
Interaction and Identity. Routledge.
Auer, Peter; Di Luzio, Aldo, Eds. (1992). The Contextualization of
Language. John Benjamins Publishing.
Auer, Peter, Ed. (1984). Bilingual Conversation. John Benjamins.
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