S=?UTF-8?Q?=C3=A9minaires_?=du Laboratoire Parole et Langage (LPL) | juin 2014

'Claudia Pichon-Starke' claudia.starke@lpl-aix.fr [parislinguists] parislinguists at YAHOOGROUPES.FR
Tue May 20 14:15:18 UTC 2014


 Pour information, veuillez trouver ci-dessous le prochain séminaire du Laboratoire Parole et Langage (LPL).

 Bien cordialement, Claudia Pichon-Starke

Laboratoire Parole et Langage

UMR 7309 CNRS |Université d’Aix-Marseille

5 avenue Pasteur – 13100 Aix-en-Provence (France)

Tél : +33 (0)4 13 55 36 20 – Fax : +33 (0)4 13 55 37 88


Site du LPL : www.lpl-aix.fr

LPL Newsletter : lpl-newsletter-subscribe at lpl-aix.fr <mailto:lpl-newsletter-subscribe at lpl-aix.fr?subject=Inscription%20NewsLetter> 


Labex ‘BLRI’ : www.blri.fr  | Equipex ‘Ortolang’ : www.ortolang.fr <http://www.blri.fr> 

Revue TIPA : www.tipa.revues.org




Vendredi 13 juin 2014

9h30-12h  LPL, Salle de conférences B011, bât. B, 5 av. Pasteur, Aix-en-Provence


Auditory-motor coupling in verbal and motor behavior

Résumé  Living in a complex environment, we need to coordinate and adapt our actions to the surrounding realities as well as to others' actions. One of the key capacities in this endeavor is to effectively link perception and action. In humans, the perception-action link is particularly powerful in the auditory domain, e.g., in synchronized movement to music, during joint action or verbal interaction. In this seminar, we are exploring the concepts and measures of auditory-motor coupling from a multidisciplinary perspective. Questions concerning verbal production, perception and interaction are confronted with findings from movement sciences and cognitive psychology on auditory-motor coupling and motor coordination between participants. We will consider normal and pathological populations and their capacities in auditory-motor coupling. Thereby, we aim at advancing the understanding of multiple concepts given in language and movement sciences for these coupling phenomena (e.g., synchronization, entrainment, convergence) and at discussing new ways and measures for future research.


Programme :


9.30 Introduction : Auditory-motor coupling, synchronization, entrainment, convergence?


9.45 – 10.50

Simone Dalla Bella

EuroMov, Movement to Health Lab (M2H), Université Montpellier 1

Auditory-motor coupling for speech and communication research

Discutant : Noël Nguyen


Pause café


11.00 – 11.50

Serge Pinto

LPL, CNRS & Aix-Marseille Université

Speech and upper limb movement dual-task in Parkinson's Disease

Discutante : Simone Falk


11.50 – 12.00 Conclusion : Coupled behavior in verbal interaction - challenges for future research




Plus d’infos : http://lpl-aix.fr/event/1504






Trouvez toutes les actualités du LPL sur  www.lpl-aix.fr


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