Journ=?UTF-8?Q?=C3=A9e_d=E2=80=99=C3=A9tudes_?=: L'enrichissement pragmatique / Workshop on pragmatic enrichment

Christopher Piñón [parislinguists] parislinguists-noreply at YAHOOGROUPES.FR
Tue Sep 30 12:08:24 UTC 2014

Journée d’études : L'enrichissement pragmatique

Workshop on pragmatic enrichment

UMR 8163 STL, Université Lille 3

Maison de la recherche (bât. F), salle des colloques (F0.44)

Maison de la recherche (Building F), conference room F0.44

vendredi, 7 novembre 2014

Friday, 7 November 2014

Ilse Depraetere (UMR 8163 STL, Université Lille 3) and Raf Salkie
(University of Brighton)
"Saturation, free pragmatic enrichment, completion, expansion: a
perspective from linguistics"

Billy Clark (Middlesex University)
"Enrichment and explicature in nonverbal communication"

11--11:30: pause café / coffee break

Anton Benz (with Jon Stevens) (ZAS, Berlin)
"Indirect answers and their implicatures"

12:30--14:30: déjeuner / lunch

Charles Travis (King’s College, London, Instituto de Filosofia, Porto)
"Sense and sensitivity"

Herman Cappelen (University of St Andrews)
"Conceptual engineering and pragmatic enrichment"

Inscription / Registration

Si vous souhaitez participer au déjeuner à la Maison de la Recherche,
nous vous invitons à vous inscrire avant le 17 octobre. Il y a aussi
d’autres points de restauration sur le campus.

If you would like to have lunch at the Maison de la Recherche, please
register before 17 October 2014. There are also other lunch facilities
on campus.

Contacts scientifiques / Contacts

ilse.depraetere at univ‐

christopher.pinon at

Contact administratif / Administrative contact:

emmanuelle.jablonski at
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