Professeur invit=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9_?=du Labex EFL: Shravan Vasishth

Barbara Hemforth [parislinguists] parislinguists-noreply at YAHOOGROUPES.FR
Tue Sep 30 15:57:11 UTC 2014

Le Labex EFL vous invite au séminaire du Prof. Shravan Vasishth:

Shravan Vasisht, professeur invité du Labex en octobre 2014
cv of Shravan Vasisht: here

Advanced statistical analysis for empirical/experimental linguistics 

Linear mixed models are the tool of choice in psycholinguistics. With the arrival of probabilistic progamming languages like JAGS and Stan, it has become possible to fit fairly complex linear mixed models in a Bayesian setting. My goal in these four lectures will be to provide a practical introduction Bayesian linear mixed models; the focus will be on the analysis of psycholinguistic data. I will cover the following topics:

►  Lecture 1   Review of Linear Mixed Models, and introduction to Bayes' Theorem - October 7th, 2014
►  Lecture 2   A short review of Bayesian modeling  - October 9th, 2014
►  Lecture 4   Lecture 4 : Fitting and evaluating Bayesian LMMs in Stan - October 14th, 2014
►  Lecture 3   Some practical issues and real-life examples  -  October 16th, 2014
Code, data, and slides will be released as the course progresses 
Rendez vous à l'Université Paris Diderot - salle 268 - bâtiment ODG
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