[parislinguists] Séminaire CRLAO mercredi 11 Février 2015 XU Dan «Studies on the Tangwang language of Northwestern China»
S N aaellens@yahoo.com [parislinguists]
parislinguists-noreply at yahoogroupes.fr
Thu Feb 5 11:08:11 UTC 2015
Vousêtes cordialement invités à une communicationdans le cadre du Séminaire du CRLAO sur les« Recherches actuelles en linguistique» présenté par XU DanInalco – CRLAO «Studies on the Tangwanglanguage of Northwestern China» le mercredi 11 février 2015de 16h à 18h INaLCOSalle des Plaques2, rue de Lille75007 Paris Abstract Thisseminar will present some of the major findings of the new volume, entitled Studieson the Tangwang language (2014) by Xu Dan. Chen Yuanlong (Ibramhim, anative Santa speaker) first described the Tangwang language in an article in MinzuYuwen 1985 (Minority Languages of China). The Tangwang language haspredominantly Chinese vocabulary with some words borrowed from Arabic, Persianand Mongolian. The word order is mainly SOV (subject-object-verb), an orderwhich is common to all Altaic languages (in the meaning of Sprachbund),while SVO is also accepted in some cases (recall that the word order in Chineseis SVO). The languages in Gansu-Qinghai area are in the process of losing theirtones, and the degree of loss varies from region to region, while StandardChinese has four tones. The languages in this region borrowed their case systemfrom Mongolic languages (or dialects), while Chinese is morphologically a poorlanguage. Pourinformation :Les séminaires du CRLAO sont organisés par Hilary Chappell(CRLAO-EHESS) commenceront le 14 janvier 2015 et sedérouleront les mercredis du 16h à 18h jusqu’en fin juin. Pour toute information complémentaire, veuillez contacterHilary Chappell sur hmchappell at gmail.com ou au CRLAO, 131 bd StMichel, M. Hugues Feler au 0153 10 53 71.
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