Endangered Alphabets appeal
Tim Brookes
brookes at CHAMPLAIN.EDU
Sat Nov 27 15:26:25 UTC 2010
Dear fellow linguists, anthropologists and scholars in general all across the
Having finished my original Endangered Alphabets Project (see
http://www.endangeredalphabets.com), I’m now starting a similar carving
project whose aim once again is to draw attention to the world’s vanishing
scripts—and I need your help.
The project will have many different outcomes. If all goes well, it will result in
endangered scripts being combined with an endangered languages poetry
project, being carved and displayed throughout the U.S. and in other
countries, and even being projected onto the sides of major U.S. buildings.
For this to happen, though, I need to be in touch with people who can read and
write these disappearing scripts well enough to be able to translate a short
text for me.
Here are the scripts in which I am especially interested, and as yet have
nobody who can act as a translator:
Tai Dam
If you happen to be able to read and write in one or more of these scripts and
are interested in joining me in this project by translating a four-line poem,
please contact me at brookes at champlain.edu. Needless to say, I’ll credit you
in all written materials.
If you think you may know of someone else who may be able to help, please
forward this appeal to him or her.
Thanks so much, and best wishes,
Tim Brookes
brookes at champlain.edu
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