Questions about importing into FLEx

John Hatton john_hatton at
Tue Oct 11 16:06:28 UTC 2011

Hi Jeff,


You'll be wanting to join the FLEx google group
<>  for most of your questions.  You
can also search the large archives of past discussions there.


Beth answered your 1st question, I'll take a swing at the second:


>2) Is there a way to import a vocabulary list in XML into FLEx?


You'll need to get it into the xml format which FLEx can import.
Specifically, FLEx imports LIFT xml
<>  (Lexical Interchange FormaT).
Depending on your format, that could be as easy as a series of find/replace
operations in some text editor.


Now, back to the interlinear text issue. as Beth said, the ELAN->FLEx
feature is only in the alpha version of SayMore (as are the transcription
and oral annotation features).  If you'd like to be a tester for that, let
me know.  FLEx can currently only import two lines: the base line and the
free translation.  That's fine if your using SayMore or ELAN to just do
transcription and translation, but if you've glossed words, for example, it
can't currently import those glosses.  As Beth said, the FLEx team would
appreciate hearing of your needs.


John Hatton

SIL International Language Software Development, PALASO <>
, and SIL Papua New Guinea <> 



-----Original Message-----
From: r-n-l-d at [mailto:r-n-l-d at] On Behalf Of
Jeff Siegel
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 4:06 AM
To: r-n-l-d at
Subject: Questions about importing into FLEx


Dear Colleagues,


I'm a newcomer FLEx and was wondering if anyone can answer these basic


1) What is the method of importing transcribed texts from Elan into FLEx?


2) Is there a way to import a vocabulary list in XML into FLEx?


Many thanks,


Jeff Siegel




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