[RNLD] Linguistics in the pub: Crowd Sourcing 10th June 2014

Blake Paul Kendall blakekendall at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Jun 4 01:49:46 UTC 2014

Hi All, 

Yes, as Dorothea noted, I recently completed a successful crowd funding
campaign for The Penan Children's Book. I campaigned for $19.5K in 1 month.
In honesty, this was a huge undertaking, and a process that requires
constant work, however the reality was that we have been able to fund our
project, and at the same time attract a large amount of media for the
opening of awareness and discussion about Language Preservation in general.
(Link to 'The Penan Children's Book' Facebook page to see the many articles
posted throughout the campaign: https://www.facebook.com/penanchildrensbook)

Unfortunately, I too won't be able to attend the meeting in Sydney, as
recently I moved to Arrernte country (Alice Springs), to work on language
and culture archives with a healing centre up here.

However, I would be willing to assist anyone in the future with discussions
about crowd funding as a platform.

I do a lot of freelance filming in the area tooĊ  So if anyone has a project
that they are looking to Crowd Fund and would like to bring me on to direct
a trailer film (and map out a CF plan), that is indeed possible.

(If anyone is in Alice Springs- it would be great to meet up, and as
suggested by Ruth, have a sit down and a yarn about current projects in the

Cheers All, 

Blake-Paul Kendall- Storyteller, Artist & Explorer
+61 416 954 859 
blakekendall at hotmail.com
(Based in Arrernte Country)

www.blakepaulkendall.com <http://www.blakepaulkendall.com>

From:  Dorothea Hoffmann <hoffmann.dorothea at gmail.com>
Date:  Tue, 3 Jun 2014 09:12:48 -0500
To:  Ruth Singer <ruth.singer at gmail.com>
Cc:  r-n-l-d <r-n-l-d at unimelb.edu.au>
Subject:  Re: [RNLD] Linguistics in the pub: Crowd Sourcing 10th June 2014

Dear all, 

just to chime in for another example: 'The Penan Children's Book Project'
was successfully crowdfunded in May!


One of the key elements to a successful campaign seems to be the right
presentation, continuous reminders, and professional looks. Blake Paul
Kendall did an excellent job in all of these for this kind of cause.

Maybe it should get us thinking about exercising more varied approaches to
record video in the field to not only capture language and stories, but also
village life and other cultural aspects to use for public awareness
campaigns and fundraising like this.

I wish I could be there for the discussion!


On 3 June 2014 06:06, Ruth Singer <ruth.singer at gmail.com> wrote:
> Linguistics in the pub: Crowd Sourcing and Endangered Language Documentation
> projects
> In the last few years there has been massive growth in the popularity of the
> 'crowd funding' project model. In arts and technology the rise of sites like
> Kickstarter <http://kickstarter.com/>  and IndieGoGo
> <https://www.indiegogo.com/>  allow individuals to directly support an idea or
> a project they believe in, often with a small reward to thank them for their
> contribution. This model has been used for a number of projects involving
> endangered languages, to varying degrees of success, including Canary Islands
> whistle language 
> <http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1311405960/exploring-a-whistled-language-
> lost-and-found-in-t?ref=live> , Nanumea <http://www.pozible.com/project/4575>
> (Tuvalu), and the Endangered Alphabets Project
> <https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1496420787/endangered-alphabets-ii-savin
> g-languages-in-bangla> . Although many of these are broader in scope than
> language documentation projects, they point to the possibility of looking to
> crowd sourcing in a future of limited formal support for endangered language
> documentation. 
> In this LIP we look at the viability of such a model and the challenges it
> brings to a project. Please feel free to bring additional examples, both
> successful and not, to illustrate the discussion.
> Date:             Tuesday 10th June 2014
> Time:             6:00 - 8:00 pm
> Venue:           Upstairs room, Prince Alfred Hotel
>>> 191 Grattan St, Carlton
>>> (corner of Bouverie St)
>>> ph (03) 9347-3033
> Food and drinks available at the venue
> LIP is coordinated by Ruth Singer and Lauren Gawne (University of Melbourne)
> Contact  Ruth Singer if you have any questions rsinger at unimelb.edu.au
> LIP is an occasional gathering of language activists and linguists in
> Melbourne. All are welcome. Those in other parts of Australia and the
> world who can't make it to the Melbourne LIPs are encouraged to
> organise a local gathering to discuss this topic and support language
> activities in your area.
> Dr Ruth Singer
> DECRA Postdoctoral Fellow
> Linguistics Program and Research Unit for Indigenous Language
> School of Languages and Linguistics
> Faculty of Arts
> University of Melbourne 3010
> Tel. +61 3 90353774 <tel:%2B61%203%2090353774>
> http://languages-linguistics.unimelb.edu.au/academic-staff/ruth-singer
> http://indiglang.arts.unimelb.edu.au/

Dorothea Hoffmann

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