[RNLD] Putting together multiple spreadsheets

Frank Seidel frank.zidle at GMAIL.COM
Sun May 18 08:56:48 UTC 2014

Hello Thiago,

have you tried the consolidate command in Excel? Would that not work
for you? There are several websites out there with tips on how to
combine or consolidate worksheets into one
Otherwise doing it manually (copyshouldn't Good luck,


On 5/15/14, Thiago Chacon <thiago_chacon at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a lexical comparative database on Tukanoan languages a single EXCEL
> file, but in multiple sheets (197 in total) in the document.
> I have data for 25 languages, separated in unique columns in each sheet plus
> a gloss column. (the columns for each language do not have a fixed location
> across the diferente sheets)
> I want to collapse all sheets into a single one, having the gloss column to
> sort all other columns alphabetically. This will allow me to identify
> identical glosses and unify them into a single row.
> Do you guys have any suggestions for how I could that? Is there something
> developed for similar purposes out there? I regret not being really savy in
> programming...
> Also, since the columns for each language are not in a fixed location across
> the diferente sheets, I wonder if I ahev to fix that manually or the MACRO
> could help me with that as well.
> thanks
> Thiago Chacon

Frank Seidel, Ph.D.
University of Florida
Center for African Studies at the University of Florida
427 Grinter Hall - PO Box 115560
Gainesville, FL 32611-5560
Tel: 352.392.2183
Fax: 352.392.2435

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