Fwd: [RNLD] changes to Indigenous Languages Support Program announced

Ruth Singer ruth.singer at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 03:55:39 UTC 2015

Hi guys,

I am interested in applying for funding for a new language centre so I'm
gong to email and ask about it. Will let you know what they say,



On 1 April 2015 at 14:22, Rosie Sitorus <linguist1 at irrawangga.org.au> wrote:

> Can I ask – is it clear to anyone whether 'direct offers' will be used
> from this year onwards, or whether they will be used for the 2015/2016 FY
> and then return to the application process from the 2016/2017 FY?
> Rosie
> --
> Rosie Sitorus
> *linguist1 at irrawangga.org.au <linguist1 at irrawangga.org.au>*
> From: Peter Austin <pa2 at soas.ac.uk>
> Date: Wednesday, 1 April 2015 11:08 AM
> To: Felicity Meakins <f.meakins at uq.edu.au>
> Cc: RNLD list <r-n-l-d at unimelb.edu.au>
> Subject: Re: [RNLD] changes to Indigenous Languages Support Program
> announced
> Felicity
> That's how I read it too -- 'money for them who got money in 2014-15 and
> who have "behaved properly" and will follow the Dept-defined "Framework"'
> was my reading of the statements on the web. Maybe the promised
> "application process" to be advertised in future will open the door to
> others?
> (Thanks, Andrew and John for your comments too.)
> Peter
> On 1 April 2015 at 11:03, Felicity Meakins <f.meakins at uq.edu.au> wrote:
>> I agree – this is extremely disappointing and effectively putting an end
>> to the largest source of government funding for new language centres and
>> one-off community-centred language projects.
>> From: Andrew Cunningham <lang.support at gmail.com>
>> Date: Wednesday, 1 April 2015 12:57 pm
>> To: Peter Austin <pa2 at soas.ac.uk>
>> Cc: Margaret Florey <mflorey at rnld.org>, RNLD list <r-n-l-d at unimelb.edu.au
>> >
>> Subject: Re: [RNLD] changes to Indigenous Languages Support Program
>> announced
>> Also interesting to note that offers will be tragetted, ie they will
>> decide who they want to engage in and give grants to, and they have closed
>> the door on any funding to new language programs
>> Andrew
>> On 1 April 2015 at 13:45, Peter Austin <pa2 at soas.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> Margaret
>>> Thanks for sending around this information -- it is very interesting to
>>> see, and try to understand from afar, the new approach being adopted.
>>> One change that seems to be significant, at least from my position of
>>> ignorance outside Australia, is the following:
>>> "The Ministry for the Arts is developing a Framework to guide the
>>> planning, implementation and review of language projects funded through
>>> Indigenous Languages and Arts (Languages). The Framework aims to assist
>>> Indigenous communities to make more informed decisions about their plans
>>> for the revival or maintenance of their language(s). All Indigenous
>>> Languages and Arts (Languages) funding recipients, in particular language
>>> centres, will be required to use the Framework in the planning, implementation
>>> and review of their language activities. Funding recipients will also be
>>> required to use the Framework to develop a Language Plan (depending on the
>>> type of language project) for each of the languages being targeted. Funding
>>> recipients will be required to consult with Indigenous communities in the
>>> development of their language plan."
>>> Given that language revival and maintenance are undertheorised and no
>>> "proven methods" exist, I wonder who is specifying this "Framework" and
>>> what it might look like. Any ideas?
>>> Peter
>>> On 31 March 2015 at 12:55, Margaret Florey <mflorey at rnld.org> wrote:
>>>> Dear RNLDers,
>>>> Senator George Brandis, Minister for the Arts, today issued a press
>>>> release outlining changes to the Indigenous Languages Support Program. See
>>>> http://www.attorneygeneral.gov.au/Mediareleases/Pages/2015/FirstQuarter/31-March-2015-Improvements-to-Indigenous-Arts,-Languages-and-Culture-Funding-Programs.aspx
>>>> According to the press release, the new Indigenous Languages and Arts
>>>> program will fund organisations that support the revival and maintenance of
>>>> Indigenous languages, and provide career opportunities and pathways for
>>>> Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language workers. Operational funds
>>>> for art and languages centres and service delivery organisations will be
>>>> delivered through targeted grants (direct offers) from 1 July 2015.
>>>> In addition to Senator Brandis' press release the Indigenous Languages
>>>> Support web site has already been modified to become Indigenous Languages
>>>> and Arts. See
>>>> http://arts.gov.au/topics/indigenous-arts-languages-and-culture/indigenous-languages-and-arts.
>>>> The web site includes more details on the changes. The FAQ page
>>>> http://arts.gov.au/…/indigenous-…/frequently-asked-questions
>>>> <http://arts.gov.au/topics/indigenous-arts-languages-and-culture/frequently-asked-questions>
>>>> provides some detail on the process of direct offers to be made to
>>>> targetted organisations, and the application process that will open later
>>>> for language projects.
>>>> We understand that guidelines are likely to be finalised and released
>>>> in the next couple of weeks.
>>>> best wishes
>>>> Margaret
>>>> --
>>>> Dr Margaret Florey
>>>> DRIL Director
>>>> Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity
>>>> I am usually available in the office Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
>>>> Fridays except when I am travelling to deliver DRIL training workshops
>>>> ph: +61 (03) 9041-5474 (office)
>>>> mob: 0488 086 031
>>>> skype: RNLDorg
>>>> Suite 1107, 530 Little Collins Street
>>>> Melbourne, Victoria 3000
>>>> www.rnld.org
>>>> ABN 24 215 634 040
>>> --
>>> Prof Peter K. Austin
>>> Marit Rausing Chair in Field Linguistics
>>> Director, Endangered Languages Academic Programme
>>> Research Tutor and PhD Convenor
>>> Department of Linguistics, SOAS
>>> Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square
>>> London WC1H 0XG
>>> United Kingdom
>>> Homepage: http://www.hrelp.org/aboutus/staff/index.php?cd=pa
>>> Academia: https://soas.academia.edu/PeterAustin
>>> ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_Austin2
>>> ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/P-5066-2014
>>> ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3180-0524
>>> Twitter: https://twitter.com/peterkaustin
>> --
>> Andrew Cunningham
>> Project Manager, Research and Development
>> (Social and Digital Inclusion)
>> Public Libraries and Community Engagement
>> State Library of Victoria
>> 328 Swanston Street
>> Melbourne VIC 3000
>> Australia
>> Ph: +61-3-8664-7430
>> Mobile: 0459 806 589
>> Email: acunningham at slv.vic.gov.au
>>           lang.support at gmail.com
>> http://www.openroad.net.au/
>> http://www.mylanguage.gov.au/
>> http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/
> --
> Prof Peter K. Austin
> Marit Rausing Chair in Field Linguistics
> Director, Endangered Languages Academic Programme
> Research Tutor and PhD Convenor
> Department of Linguistics, SOAS
> Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square
> London WC1H 0XG
> United Kingdom
> Homepage: http://www.hrelp.org/aboutus/staff/index.php?cd=pa
> Academia: https://soas.academia.edu/PeterAustin
> ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_Austin2
> ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/P-5066-2014
> ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3180-0524
> Twitter: https://twitter.com/peterkaustin

Dr Ruth Singer
DECRA Postdoctoral Fellow
Linguistics Program and Research Unit for Indigenous Language
School of Languages and Linguistics
Faculty of Arts
University of Melbourne 3010
Tel. +61 3 90353774
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