Fwd: [RNLD] LIP Melbourne Tuesday 24th February 2015: Grammar writing

Nick Thieberger thien at unimelb.edu.au
Fri Mar 13 21:51:00 UTC 2015

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From: Ruth Singer <ruth.singer at gmail.com>
Date: 6 February 2015 at 14:19
Subject: [RNLD] LIP Melbourne Tuesday 24th February 2015: Grammar writing
To: r-n-l-d <r-n-l-d at unimelb.edu.au>, Jeremy David Taylor <
jeremy.taylor at unimelb.edu.au>, Anna Margetts <
Anna.Margetts at arts.monash.edu.au>, Adam Schembri <A.Schembri at latrobe.edu.au>

*Announcement: Melbourne Linguistics in the pub 24 February 2015*

 Language descriptions, particularly descriptive grammars often form a part
of language documentation projects. The recent special LDC publication
(Toshihide and Rice (eds.) 2014) discusses topics in grammaticography,
particularly aimed at those undertaking their first major project with an
undescribed language. In the volume, Mosel (2014) discusses how combining
language documentation and corpus-based methods in the analysis of an
undescribed language helped her account for language internal variation and
filtered through to how she presented her grammatical description, making a
potentially more reusable and verifiable document.

Previously Linguistics in the Pub has discussed what a good descriptive
grammar should include (May 2010). As it has been a while, February's LIP
will again focus on grammaticography. Namely, how we go about and present
descriptive grammars and whether our methods should or could change?

All readings open access

Key reading:

Mosel, U. 2014. 'Corpus linguistic and documentary approaches in writing a
grammar of a previously undescribed language'. LD&C Special Publication 8:
The Art and Practice of Grammar Writing.

Further readings:

Toshihide and Rice (eds.) 2014. LD&C Special Publication 8: The Art and
Practice of Grammar Writing.  http://nflrc.hawaii.edu/ldc/?p=715

Nordhoff, S. 2012 (ed.). LD&C Special Publication 4: Electronic
Grammaticography. http://nflrc.hawaii.edu/ldc/?p=263

Date:             Tuesday 24th February 2015
Time:             6:00 - 8:00 pm
Venue:           Upstairs room, Prince Alfred Hotel

 191 Grattan St, Carlton

 (corner of Bouverie St)

 ph (03) 9347-3033

Food and drinks available at the venue

LIP is LIP is an occasional gathering of language activists and linguists
in Melbourne and is coordinated by Ruth Singer (Melbourne Uni), Harriet
Sheppard, Jonathan Schlossberg, Alan Ray and Jonathon Lum (Monash Uni)

Contact Ruth Singer (University of Melbourne) with any questions:
rsinger at unimelb.edu.au
You can receive these announcements by signing up to the RNLD mailing list:

Dr Ruth Singer
DECRA Postdoctoral Fellow
Linguistics Program and Research Unit for Indigenous Language
School of Languages and Linguistics
Faculty of Arts
University of Melbourne 3010
Tel. +61 3 90353774
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