[RNLD] Consult -- Running FLEx/LexiquePro/SayMore with CrossOver

John Mansfield jbmansfield at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 18:04:48 EDT 2017

Hi Jorge!

There are two different types of software, Windows *emulators* and Windows
*virtualisers*. An emulator is like something that can pretend to be
WIndowsy enough to run a Windows program, whereas a virualiser actually
establishes a Windows OS living on top of your Mac OS.

CrossOver and Wine are, I think, emulators. They run Toolbox, but not Flex.
Flex needs a virtualiser. I ran it with a virtualiser called VMWare for a
while. This was okay but it got really slow - not sure if this was a
problem inherent to the software, or to do with running virtualisers on our
networked uni computers.

I now just keep a basic Windows laptop just for running Flex. Maybe this
seems crazy, but such computers are pretty cheap, and I found it to be the
neatest solution.


On 8 September 2017 at 06:35, Jorge Emilio Rosés Labrada <jrosesla at uwo.ca>

> Dear everyone,
> My university's IT department has suggested using CrossOver (
> https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/YZ52Bmi638ZKhO?domain=codeweavers.com
> <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/YZ52Bmi638ZKhO?domain=codeweavers.com>)
> to run the SIL Windows-only software FLEx, LexiquePro, and SayMore on our
> new lab computers.
> I've done a bit of browsing online and it seems like that won't work? I
> also tried installing FLEx with the trial version of CrossOver and the
> installation failed so I thought I'd send an email to the list in case
> anyone has been successful in getting this to work.
> If you have gotten to work, I'd love to hear back from you.
> If you have not, what do you use? Parallels? Something else?
> All the best,
> Jorge
> -------------
> Jorge Emilio Rosés Labrada
> Assistant Professor, Indigenous Language Sustainability
> Department of Linguistics
> University of Alberta
> Tel: (+1) 780-492-5698 <(780)%20492-5698>
> jrosesla at ualberta.ca
> *The University of Alberta acknowledges that we are located on Treaty 6
> territory, **and respects the history, languages, and cultures of the
> First Nations, Métis, Inuit, **and all First Peoples of Canada, whose
> presence continues to enrich our institution.*
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