[RNLD List] mapping placenames

#HIRAM RANDALL RING# HIRAM1 at e.ntu.edu.sg
Thu Jul 9 07:11:29 UTC 2020

Hi Nick,

  Lauren Gawne and I wrote a paper/tutorial which includes exporting KML from Google Earth and importing it to a service like CartoDB: https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/handle/10125/24692/gawne_ring.pdf

  Unfortunately CartoDB has changed their model and free accounts no longer have as many services as they used to. Likely to get the kind of quality you’d want, you would need to pay for an account to get access to their vectorized background maps.

  Sylvain’s recommendation for OSM/QGIS is basically what I do these days. There’s a bit of a learning curve, but once you figure QGIS out it gives really high-quality maps. For best results, you’d want to build a vector map server on a UNIX box, and there are some tutorials on doing this if you’re interested (i.e. https://github.com/yannos/Beautiful_OSM_in_QGIS).

  If you have access to a geography/mapping department they might already have all this set up, which would save a lot of time in DIY-ing. This is not always the case (no map server at UZH, for example), but it might be worth a quick email.


On 9 Jul 2020, at 3:01 PM, Sylvain Loiseau <sylvain.loiseau at univ-paris13.fr<mailto:sylvain.loiseau at univ-paris13.fr>> wrote:

Dear Nick,

- OpenStreetMap is also useful for creating the data (and having the data open-source).
- The annotated area can be exported from OpenStreetMap and imported in a GIS like QGIS for instance. You can finely set the label properties, select map background, etc.
But you must probably know that already.

By the way, I have been adding a lot of villages in OpenStreetMap for a poorly covered PNG area, and I was wondering whether OpenStreetMap couldn't be an interesting tool for the cumulative recording of geolinguistic data.

Best regards,

Le 9 juil. 2020 à 08:43, Nick Thieberger <thien at unimelb.edu.au<mailto:thien at unimelb.edu.au>> a écrit :

I'm looking for someone to create print-ready maps of placenames. I can make online maps in google earth or google maps, but I need a person or software that will allow 200 labels to be legible on a small map. Any pointers gratefully received,

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Sylvain Loiseau
sylvain.loiseau at univ-paris13.fr<mailto:sylvain.loiseau at univ-paris13.fr>

Université Paris 13 Sorbonne-Paris-Cité
99 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément
F-93430 Villetaneuse

Laboratoire « Langues et civilisations à tradition orale » (UMR 7107 CNRS)
Campus CNRS
7, rue Guy Môquet (bât. D)
F-94801 Villejuif Cedex

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