[RNLD List] Do you know a tool that makes it easy for learners to collect, organise, and exchange language content?

Kathrin Kaiser hi at kathrinkaiser.com
Tue Apr 20 00:58:58 UTC 2021

Dear all,

Our project team here at the UQ is considering building an application that
makes it easier for teachers and learners of endangered languages to
collect, organise, and exchange their language content. We observe that
language content is often shared via online services like Zoom or Facebook
messenger, but it’s difficult to extract content in a learner-friendly way
from these platforms.

We envision an application that combines:

   - a message system to promote the direct exchange between teachers and
   - dictionary functionalities for collecting different data types (e.g.
   text and audio) in one place, and organise them by theme or category
   - a visual, learner-friendly interface that makes it easy for learners
   and teachers to input language content on the go

If you are aware of a tool that fulfils these requirements (for reasons of
data-sovereignty preferably open source or non-commercial), we will be
grateful for any pointers you can provide.

With many thanks,

PS. If you have experience with learner-teacher-driven language content
collection, or if you have ideas for the tool we aim to build, we'd love to
hear from you as well!


*Kathrin KaiserPhd studentLanguage Technology, University of
Queenslandk.kaiser at uqconnect.edu.au <k.kaiser at uqconnect.edu.au>*
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