[RNLD List] Spinning a Better Yarn Wednesday August 24th 2022 2:30-4:00 AEST Jesse Hodgetts

Ruth Singer rsinger at unimelb.edu.au
Sun Aug 14 23:29:08 UTC 2022

Hi everyone,

Below is the announcement for the next Spinning a Better Yarn session.

We now have a mailing list now that you can sign up to the get regular announcements: http://eepurl.com/h7uZlH

A new video from our March session is up on our website, and there is information about the September session there too:



Spinning a Better Yarn Wednesday August 24th 2022 2:30-4:00 AEST

How would you say that in the lingo? Describing culturally specific content and engineering words as we revitalise Indigenous languages.

How do we describe culturally specific content, when first language speakers are no longer accessible, the descriptions we are looking for have not been recorded and there is no English equivalent to form the basis of a translation? Throughout my PhD research, whilst describing songs, I have avoided Western musical terminology and tried to find ways of describing the most culturally salient features of the songs. This meant that I had to think about how the Old People might have described the songs as well as how my Community would think about them today. What about other culturally specific content that is yet to be revitalised in our Indigenous languages? In this session, I wish for us to think about how we can describe Indigenous concepts and engineer cultural words as we revitalise our Indigenous languages.

Zoom meeting on Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/85363185529?pwd=ZnpKRnl0bm1QaVBON2tweUg3Ukwwdz09<https://dynamicsoflanguage.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ab40e6e405ba2e978356b0bae&id=6b3dc83186&e=f3627acd5d>
Password: 858940

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