[RNLD List] Spinning a Better Yarn: decolonising linguistics study group (online): Wednesday 9th March 2pm-3.30pm (AEST)

Ruth Singer rsinger at unimelb.edu.au
Thu Feb 24 04:30:35 UTC 2022

Spinning a Better Yarn: decolonising linguistics study group
Wednesday 9th March 2pm-3.30pm (AEST)
Is linguistics a culturally safe space for Indigenous people? Improving the experience of studying linguistics for Indigenous students.
A panel discussion with Debbie Ballangarry, Sharon Edgar-Jones, Joel Liddle Perrurle and Corey Theatre, facilitated by Lesley Woods.
        view previous sessions here<http://www.dynamicsoflanguage.edu.au/ialr/decolonising-linguistics-spinning-a-better-yarn>
·       join via Zoom
       https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/86408749755?pwd=OW9EcWp2YzUzNlpWRjl0WjMrcXFFdz09<https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/86408749755?pwd=OW9EcWp2YzUzNlpWRjl0WjMrcXFFdz09> Password: 164495

Spinning a Better Yarn: decolonising linguistics study group
Is linguistics a culturally safe space for Indigenous people? Improving the experience of studying linguistics for Indigenous students
A panel discussion facilitated by Lesley Woods

Earlier Spinning a Better Yarn sessions have included Indigenous participants who are currently studying linguistics at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level. A number have talked about how they do not always feel comfortable in the university and in linguistics. An important part of decolonising linguistics is to make it a place in which Indigenous students feel respected and valued. This means that the discipline must acknowledge Indigenous peoples’ authority in their languages and cultural knowledge. Linguistics as a discipline must also acknowledge the harm that has been done and continues to be done, for example when non-Indigenous linguists maintain control over Indigenous languages that they work on. In this session, Indigenous students will talk about what changes might need to take place for linguistics to meet these goals.

Debbie Ballangarry, Gumbaynggirr, linguistics student at Charles Darwin University
Sharon Edgar-Jones, Wanarruwa Community Linguist and Language teacher and senior language worker at Muurrbay language centre, graduate of Charles Darwin University
Joel Liddle Perrurle, Arrernte, student in population health, University of Melbourne
Corey Theatre, Gunditjmara, Ganai & Mukjarawaint, student in linguistics at La Trobe University

Wednesday, 9 March⋅2:00 – 3:30pm

https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/86408749755?pwd=OW9EcWp2YzUzNlpWRjl0WjMrcXFFdz09<https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/86408749755?pwd=OW9EcWp2YzUzNlpWRjl0WjMrcXFFdz09> Password: 164495

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