[RNLD List] Bina, binang, pina etc in Indigenous languages

Felicity Meakins f.meakins at uq.edu.au
Tue Jan 31 04:09:19 UTC 2023

Hi all,

Some of you know that Gari Tudor-Smith, Paul Williams and I are writing a general audience ‘Bina: First Nations Languages Old and New’.
It’s been great to have spoken to so many of you for the book!

We are just adding a section about the word ‘bina’, ‘binang’, ‘pina’ etc across the continent. For some people it means ‘ear’ and for others ‘knowing’. We’d love to make a bit of a table which spans Australia to show the extent of the word and its related meanings.

If you’d like to contribute, please me separately (just to avoid too much list traffic).

BTW if anyone else is interested in this topic, this is a great paper:

Evans, Nicholas, & Wilkins, David. (2000). In the mind's ear: The semantic extensions of perception verbs in Australian languages. Language, 76, 546-592. doi:10.2307/417135

And you can find words for ‘ear’ through 50words.online<https://50words.online/>.

Professor Felicity Meakins FASSA FAHA
ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language<http://www.dynamicsoflanguage.edu.au/>
Fellow of Academy of Social Sciences Australia<https://socialsciences.org.au/> (FASSA)
Fellow of Australian Academy of Humanities<https://humanities.org.au/> (FAHA)
Editor of Contact Language Library<https://benjamins.com/#catalog/books/coll/main>
School of Languages and Cultures | University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072 | AUSTRALIA
RM 434 | Gordon Greenwood Bldg (32) |
' +61 7 3365 3114 | ' +61 411 404 546 |
email f.meakins at uq.edu.au<mailto:f.meakins at uq.edu.au> |
web http://researchers.uq.edu.au/researcher/547

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