Marcu's annotation tool!

Naila Mimouni Naila.Mimouni at CL.CAM.AC.UK
Wed May 23 14:41:09 UTC 2001

I am trying to play with Marcu's annotation tool and I am having some problems.
I downloaded the linux version along with the appropriate graphviz software it

when I loaded the text into the text window and tried to identify the
boundaries (left mouse button as indicated in the manual) nothing appeared on
the RST window or the text window.

Does this have anything to do with the version of wish I am using (wish 2.8)
and if it does then which version are we supposed to use???

Or is it dot???? In my RSTTool and RSTTool.tcl files I have:

if {$DOT_EXISTS == "YES"} {
    set DOT     "~nkm23/software/RST/gv1.7c/bin/dot"
could this be the problem????




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