[Rstlist] Exemplification - listed as a relation according to ChatGPT

Matt Chung matt at mattchung.me
Wed Oct 25 00:14:44 UTC 2023

I found it very interesting that ChatGPT listed “exemplification" as one of the 
relations in RST and made me wonder how they trained their model regarding RST 

Just now, I asked ChatGPT to “describe all the relations in rhetorical 
structure theory” and the results it spat out made me raise my eyebrows. Not 
only did the number of relations (twenty three of them) stand out, but the 
results also included “Exemplification”, which I neither recalled (from the 
paper - Rhetorical Structure Theory: A theory of text organization) nor saw 
listed on the RST website[1]. Therefore, I followed up in ChatGPT with, “For 
your last message, provide me the source or reference for exemplification being 
one of the primary relations in RST”, to which it responded with:

"I apologize for the oversight. As of my last training cut-off in January 2022, 
"Exemplification" is not one of the primary relations originally posited by 
Mann and Thompson in their foundational work on Rhetorical Structure Theory 
(RST). The relations I listed were meant to be an illustrative overview of RST, 
but my inclusion of "Exemplification" was an error on my part.

For the most accurate and authoritative information on RST, you would typically 
refer to Mann and Thompson's seminal papers on the topic. Always refer to 
primary literature or trusted secondary sources for definitive lists or 
specific details.”

[1] - http://www.sfu.ca/rst/01intro/intro.html

Matt Chung
Founder | Crossbill LLC <https://tiny.crossbill.co/m/O5hkNb4Sg0o>
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