[Rstlist] New RST corpus available

Andrew Potter anpotter at icloud.com
Mon Jul 8 16:24:31 UTC 2024

Rummaging about on my harddrive recently I realized I have been sitting on a substantial corpus of RST analyses. I’ve decided to make it available to the RST community.

The corpus consists of 328 RST analyses of messages posted during online discussions that took place in courses offered at Nova Southeastern University between 2003 and 2005. The RST analyses were performed in 2006. Discussion participants have been anonymized. The conferencing software used in the courses included Allaire Forums and WebCT. 

The RST analyses are in RS3 format.

Please feel free to make use of these in your RST research. Comments and suggestions are welcome.



Andrew Potter, PhD  256.765.4565
Associate Professor
Computer Science & Information Systems
UNA Box 5188 | 236 Keller Hall • Florence, AL 35632

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