US NEH Language documentation grant

Yuphaphann Hoonchamlong yuphapha at
Wed Mar 15 21:50:55 UTC 2006

FYI- for those affiliated with US institution.


Agency and Program Number:	NEH/NSF Joint Solicitation (NSF 05-509)
Title:	Documenting Endangered Languages (DEL)

Amount and Project Duration:  6-10 awards ranging from $12,000 - $150,000
per year for one-to-three year projects beginning May 2007; plus 12
fellowships of $40,000 for 9-12 months or $24,000 for 6-8 months beginning
no earlier than June 1, 2007 or later than September 1, 2008.

Abstract:  Funding supports fieldwork and other activities to record,
document and archive endangered languages, emphasizing projects that
exploit advances in information technology.  The Smithsonian Institution's
National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) is a non-funding host
Funding may be used to (1) conduct fieldwork to record one or more
languages in digital or audio formats; (2) carry out later stages of
documentation including the preparation of lexicons, grammars, text
samples and databases; (3) digitize and otherwise preserve and provide
wider access to documentary materials; further develop standards and
databases to make the documentation of certain languages widely available
in consistent, archivable, interoperable and Web-based formats; (5)
conduct initial analyses of findings in light of current linguistic
theory; (6) train native speakers in descriptive languages; and (7) create
other infrastructure, including workshops, to make the problem of
endangered languages more widely understood and addressed.

Deadline Notes:  September 15, 2006.  Although NEH lists deadlines for the
next round of funding, the NSF solicitation references the previous round
of awards.  The guidelines in the NSF solicitation should be used to
prepare applications until the revised solicitation is available.

Funding Notes: One half of funding will be awarded to projects involving
fieldwork.   Fellowships may not be used for pre-Ph.D. work or degree

Program Notes:  Sample narratives of previously funded projects:
"	Colville-Okanagan Dictionary and Reference Grammar (15-page PDF)
"	Mohave and Chemehuevi Language Project (16-page PDF)
"	Arapesh Grammar and Digital Language Archive (21-page PDF)
"	A Discourse-based Grammar of Mongour (20-page PDF)

Cost Sharing:  Not required.

Indirect Costs:  No limitations.  See ORS Rates.

PI Eligibility:    Citizens and foreign nationals living in the U.S. for
at least three years may apply for fellowships.

Submission Limitations:  One proposal per prospective PI.

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