Royal Institute of Thailand International Conference on Language Policy July 4-5

Kirk R. Person kirk_person at SIL.ORG
Thu Jun 26 03:09:37 UTC 2008

There is still time to join 250 scholars, government officials and language
specialists from 22 countries all six continents for the Royal Institute¹s
International Conference on ³National Language Policy: Language Diversity
for National Unity² July 4-5, in Bangkok.  On-site registration will be
available.  Keynote speakers include Dr. Bernard Spolsky (the ³Father² of
Language Policy), Dr. Joseph Lo Bianco (main author of the Australia¹s
national language policy and an expert in bilingual education) and Dr. David
Bradley.  Conference partners include UNESCO, UNICEF, SEAMEO, the Australian
Emabassy, and SIL International.  More information:


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