12th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (12-ICAL) -BALI, INDONESIA -- CALL FOR PAPERS AND PANELS

I Arka wayan.arka at ANU.EDU.AU
Wed Apr 6 23:29:22 UTC 2011

[Apologies for cross-postings]

  Twelfth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics
 2-6 July 2012
 Bali, Indonesia  
 The 12th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (12th·ICAL) will be held in Bali, Indonesia, 2-6 July 2012.
  Scholars   are invited to present papers on any aspect of language or linguistics   specifically related to Austronesian languages, including but not   limited to : 
  ·         phonetics and phonology, including prosody, 
  ·         morphosyntax, 
  ·         pragmatics and discourse, 
  ·         semantics and lexicography, 
  ·         linguistic typology, 
  ·         historical   and comparative matters, including the interfaces between linguistics   and archaeology, linguistics and genetics, etc., 
  ·         language preservation and language policies, 
  ·         socio-linguistics and language endangerment, 
  ·         language contact studies,
  ·         language acquisition, 
  ·         language documentation and archiving resources, 
  ·         anthropological linguistics, 
  ·         oral literature,
  ·         computational   linguistics including natural language processing, grammar  engineering,  computational morphology, computational lexicography and  lexical  acquisition, etc.
  To present a paper at 12-ICAL, please submit an abstract of 100-500 words to bali.ical2012 at gmail.com
  - The deadline for the submission for proposed panels is August 30, 2011. 
  -  The notification of acceptance for panels will come in October 30,  2011
  -  The deadline for the submission for individual abstracts is January 5, 2012
  -  The notification of acceptance for abstract will be in early February, 2012
  Presenters are expected to have 30 minutes each – 20 for presentation and 10 for discussion. But note that this may change later, based on the number of participants.  
  Call for panels and workshops
  Theme-   or area-related panels or workshops are also invited. Participants   interested in organising a panel or workshop should submit an abstract   to the organising committee, indicating the title of proposed   panel/workshop and expected participation.  Use the Panel Proposal Form provided at http://email.eva.mpg.de/~gil/12ICAL/call_panels.html
  Keynote speakers
  We will be happy to receive two keynote speakers:
     |    Bill FOLEY
    |   |    The University of Sydney
     |    Andy PAWLEY
    |   |    The Australian National University
  Scientific Committee 
  I Wayan ARKA (ANU, Canberra/Udayana University, Indonesia),
 Josephine DAGUMAN (Philippine), 
 Alex François (CNRS, France)
 David GIL (MPI, Leipzig Germany)
 Lilian HUANG (National Taiwan Normal University), 
 Ritsuko KIKUSAWA (National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka), 
 Marian KLAMER (University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL), Leiden), 
 Paul LI (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), 
 John Lynch (USP, Vanuatu)
 Frantisek LICHTENBERK (University of Auckland), 
 Ulrike MOSEL (Kiel University, Germany),
 Andrew PAWLEY (ANU, Canberra), 
 Bambang Kaswanti PURWO (Universitas Atma Jaya, Jakarta), 
 Stephen QUAKENBUSH (Summer Institute of Linguistics, Philippines), 
 Laurent SAGART (France), 
 Bill Palmer (the University of New Castle, Australia)
 Malcolm ROSS (ANU, Canberra), 
 Carl RUBINO (USA), 
 Gunter SENFT (Max Planck Institute, Nijmegen), 
 Hein STEINHAUER (University of Leiden), 
 John WOLFF (Cornell University, New York).
  Conference  fees
  Early registration (until February 29, 2012).
  •185 AUD for regular participants
 •105 AUD for students
 •500K Rp for local participants
 •400K Rp for local students
  On-site and late registration (after March 1, 2012).
  •210 AUD for regular participants
 •125 AUD for students
 •600K Rp for local participants  
  Single-day rate.
  •65 AUD for regular participants
 •200K Rp for local participants  
  Registration fees must be paid by credit card (and other payment options will be available for local   participants). A secure internet page will shortly be set up for this   purpose, and announced in a further message. Participants are  encouraged  to register early, as this will help the organisers make  deposit  payments for conference catering.
  Important dates
     |    Panel/Workshop proposal  deadline
    |   |    August 30, 2011
     |    Notification of acceptance of Panels/Workshops
    |   |    October 30,  2011
     |    Individual abstracts deadline
    |   |    January 5, 2012
     |    Notification of acceptance of 
   individual papers
    |   |    February 4, 2012
     |    Early registration deadline
    |   |    February 29, 2012
  The conference will be held in Udayana University, in Bali’s capital Denpasar.
  For more information on accommodation, see our conference website in the accommodation section.
  Local and travel information
  Please check our conference website for updates: 
  Updates will automatically be sent to all members of the AN-LANG list.
 Any other e-mail enquiries may be sent to gil at eva.mpg.de or wayan.arka at anu.edu.au .
  The Organising Committee of 12-ICAL: 
  I Wayan Arka (ANU)
 David Gil (Max Planck Institute)
 Meladel Mistica (ANU)
 Yusuf Sawaki (ANU)
  I Nyoman Aryawibawa (Udayana University)
 Nyoman Sedeng (Udayana University)
 Ida Ayu Puspani (Udayana University)
 Mas Indrawati (Udayana University)
 IGA Sosiowati(Udayana University)
 Seri Malini(Udayana University)
 I Made Netra (Udayana University)
I Wayan Sukerta (Udayana University)


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