Position: Assistant Professor in Burmese language
Doug Cooper
doug.cooper.thailand at GMAIL.COM
Thu Sep 29 09:34:54 UTC 2011
Contact: Renee Kerwin | rkerwin at niu.edu <mailto:rkerwin at niu.edu> | 815-753-6441
Assistant Professor in Burmese Language
Posted On: Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Deadline: Thursday, December 01, 2011
Position Type: Faculty
College/Division: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Department: Foreign Languages and Literature
Contact: Renee Kerwin | rkerwin at niu.edu <mailto:rkerwin at niu.edu> | 815-753-6441
Phone: 815-753-6441
The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and the Center for
Southeast Asian Studies anticipate making the following faculty appointment:
Tenure-track, Assistant Professor in Burmese Language, with specialization in
Literature, Linguistics and/or Culture to commence Fall 2012. The successful
candidate will teach Burmese language acquisition courses at all levels and
courses in his/her field; mentor students; liaise with NIU’s Center for Southeast
Asian Studies and Burma Studies; and participate in local, national, and
international committees, among other duties.
As a research-extensive university, NIU requires evidence of a strong research
program as well as excellence in teaching. Additional requirements include:
native or near-native fluency in Burmese and English; and a Ph.D. in Burmese or
a relevant field by the time of appointment. In compliance with the Immigration
Reform and Control Act of 1986 the university can only employ U.S. citizens and
aliens lawfully authorized to work in the U.S. Each new employee is required to
present documentation verifying identity and right to accept employment. A pre-
employment criminal background investigation is required. The department and
the university are committed to the principle of diversity and strongly encourage
applications from members of protected classes.
Complete applications must be received by December 1, 2011. Send letter of
application, curriculum vitae, and dossier including three letters of
recommendation to: Dr. Katharina Barbe, Chair, Department of Foreign
Languages and Literatures, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115.
AA/EEO Institution.
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