Fwd: Akha documentary project
Doug Cooper
doug.cooper.thailand at GMAIL.COM
Wed Nov 27 01:37:19 UTC 2013
Subject: Akha documentary project
From: Nicolas Graux <nicolasgraux at HOTMAIL.COM>
Dear all,
In the context of a documentary research dealing with Akha people from
Northern Laos, I am looking for an Akha/English or Akha/French speaker.
My project focuses on the mutations taking place in a small and remote Akha
village located in Phongsali province, near the China border. As a young
documentarist, I am personally very sensitized to the teenage Akha generation
and how they see themselves between a still secluded and archaic way of life
and the promises of modernity coming from the outside.
Last year, I have spent a few weeks in this village, until a close relation
with the villagers was established. I can speak Lao to a certain extent, but
it proved to be unsufficient to have a real communication going on with Akha
I now need to go back to the village and carry on my research with an
interpreter. I am looking for someone who could become my closest colleague
and companion during my next research trip.
In order to make this project possible, I have received funding from the
Belgian Film Commission and I work within the frame a professional
Brussels-based film production company.
Could you please forward my message to any competent person you may know ? Any
help, information or comment will be most welcome !! Please feel free to
contact me using the following email adress : nicolasgraux at hotmail.com.
Thank you very much.
Nicolas Graux
2 rue Vanderschrick
1060 Bruxelles
+32(0)494 61 44 34
nicolasgraux at hotmail.com
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