new ICSTLL 47 abstract deadline (August 1, 2014); post-ICSTLL workshops

Doug Cooper doug.cooper.thailand at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jun 6 05:10:55 UTC 2014

Reminder for the 47th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan
Languages and Linguistics

When:  October 17-19 2014
Where:  Institute of Sino-Tibetan Language Studies, Yunan Normal University
Abstracts: 500 words by August 1, 2014  (was June 1)
Contact: 47ICSTLL <47icstll at>
          ICSTLL47 <ICSTLL47 at>
The organizers request that files should be sent to _both_ of these e-mails.

In addition, David Bradley has sent the below.  Note the abstract deadlines:
June 30 for HMELYC-4
July 1  for SoLE-3

Subject: RE: workshops after ICSTLL47
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 07:57:17 +0000
From: David Bradley <D.Bradley at>

Dear colleagues,

The attachments to this email are announcements for two workshops which will 
take place immediately after ICSTLL 47.

On 20-21 October there will be a workshop at Yuxi Normal University,
Heritage Maintenance for Endangered Languages in Yunnan, China (4)

Yuxi is less than one hour south of Chenggong, the location of ICSTLL 47. 
Transportation will be provided from Chenggong to Yuxi for this workshop.

On 22-23 October there will be a workshop at Yunnan Nationalities University,
International Workshop on the Sociolinguistics of Language Endangerment (3)

Transportation for participants from Yuxi to Chenggong and from Chenggong to 
Kunming airport will be provided.

If you have any questions, please contact the emails for the two workshops.

Apologies also for the short abstract deadlines!

Prof David Bradley FASSA FAHA
La Trobe University VIC 3086 Australia


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