[Sealang-l] ALT 2017 - Final call for papers

Wayan Arka wayan.arka at anu.edu.au
Thu Mar 23 14:12:22 UTC 2017

*Association for Linguistic Typology - Final call for papers*

*Proposal Submission Deadline: 31 March 2017*

*Notification of Acceptance: 5 May 2017*

Abstracts are invited for the 12th conference for the Association for
Linguistic Typology (ALT 2017) at the Australian National University,
Canberra, Australia (12-14 December 2017) and workshops (15 December 2017).
We welcome abstracts on any aspect of typology. Abstracts should be
submitted through the conference webform
If you have any problems using this form, please email the conference
organisers at alt12.2017 at gmail.com.

Scholars may submit a maximum of two papers, whether sole authored or
co-authored. This includes submissions to the workshops.

Abstracts may be submitted for the General Session or for one of the
Abstracts submitted for a workshop but not accepted there will be
automatically considered for inclusion in the general session. If authors
wish to submit an abstract for a workshop, we encourage them to contact the
workshop organizers ahead of time for advice on workshop coherence.

Proposals will be reviewed by members of the ALT 2017 Program Committee.
Abstracts submitted to a workshop will be jointly reviewed by members of
the ALT 2017 Program Committee and the workshop organisers.

We are welcoming abstracts from all interested people, you do not need to
be a registered member of ALT to submit an abstract. However, by the time
of the ALT conference, all presenters are expected to be members of ALT (

The conference directly follows the Australian Linguistic Society
Conference, taking place in Sydney the week before.

A limited number of scholarships
for researchers are available, applications also due 31 March 2017.
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