[Sealang-l] 1st Call: 24th Int'l Symp on Malay/Indonesian Ling, Honolulu, 15-17 May 2020
David Gil
gil at shh.mpg.de
Wed Oct 30 22:18:47 UTC 2019
Call for Abstracts
The Twenty-Fourth
(ISMIL 24)
15-17 May 2020
Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA
Papers presented at ISMIL are concerned with the Malay/Indonesian
language in any of its varieties. In addition to the standardized
versions of Bahasa Melayu and Bahasa Indonesia, papers are particularly
welcome dealing with non-canonical isolects such as regional dialects of
Malay and Indonesian, contact varieties, and other closely related
Malayic languages. Papers may be in any of the subfields of linguistics,
and may represent variegated approaches and diverse theoretical
persuasions. Presentations at ISMIL are delivered in English.
Persons wishing to present a paper at the symposium are invited to
submit a one-page abstract in electronic form (preferably pdf, but
MsWord also acceptable) to David Gil at the following address:
gil AT shh.mpg.de
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 14 February 2020
Notification: 1 March 2020
Given the potential difficulty in obtaining a US visa, abstracts from
presenters who need to obtain a visa may be submitted at any time prior
to the deadline, and a notification will be provided within two weeks of
Bradley McDonnell, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Peter Cole, University of Delaware
Thomas Conners, University of Maryland
David Gil, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History
Peter Slomanson, University of Tampere
Hooi Ling Soh, University of Minnesota
ISMIL 24 will be one of a triple-header of related conferences all to
take place in Honolulu:
Eighth International Symposium on the Languages of Java (ISLOJ8), 14-15 May
Thirtieth Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistic Society (SEALS30),
18-20 May
Special Joint ISLOJ/ISMIL Session on m/Minimalism in ISMIL/ISLOJ Languages
Different varieties of Indonesian, Javanese and other ISLOJ/ISMIL
languages have been described as conforming to the general
Western-Malayo Polynesian (Indonesian-type language) typological pattern
characterized by moderately agglutinating morphology, symmetric voice
systems, and fixed SVO word order. Alternatively, they have been
described as languages with free word order, more isolating morphology,
and no or few lexical category distinctions—typologically more like
mainland SEA languages. Part of this discrepancy arises from the
difference between standard and non-standard varieties. Malay is a
macro-language that encompasses a range of native Malay varieties spoken
in and around the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo; other varieties
are based on a lingua franca Malay spoken throughout the Indonesian
archipelago; modern colloquial Indonesian varieties; and the highly
structured and standardized Indonesian. Javanese, by contrast, has many
regional varieties, but its standard variety is based on a prestige
variety spoken in the region of traditional political and cultural
power. The existence of this range of varieties has led to much research
around the question of how minimalist ISMIL/ISLOJ languages are from a
typological perspective, especially the non-standard varieties (inter
alia Gil 2001, 2005, 2013, 2015; Conners, Bowden, and Gil 2015;
Jackendoff and Wittenberg 2014; Enfield 2017; Polinsky and Potsdam In
Press) Not only are these varieties relevant for a cross-linguistic
understanding and accounts of language complexity, the typological
profile of ISMIL/ISLOJ varieties also raises challenges for how best to
account in various theoretical frameworks, such as in Minimalism
(Chomsky 1995, ff). This special joint ISMIL/ISLOJ session invites
papers to address these issues surrounding minimalism and/or Minimalism
in light of any of the following questions:
•How complex are ISMIL/ISLOJ languages cross-linguistically, compared to
other Austronesian languages, standard vs. non-standard varieties,
•How can various theoretical frameworks account for phenomena in
ISMIL/ISLOJ languages – particularly more functional (e.g., usage-based,
constructionist approaches) or generative frameworks (e.g., the
Minimalist program)?
•How do ISMIL/ISLOJ languages inform various theoretical frameworks,
both typologically and formally?
m/Minimalism Keynote speakers:
Maria Polinsky (University of Maryland)
Nick Enfield (University of Sydney)
Eva Wittenburg (University of California, San Diego)
Special Joint ISLOJ/ISMIL Plenary speaker: Dwi Novi Djenar (University
of Sydney)
Further information: https://indoling.com/ismil/ismil-24/
Inquiries: gil AT shh.mpg.de
/-- /
/David Gil/
/Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution/
/Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History/
/Kahlaische Strasse 10, 07745 Jena, Germany/
/Email: gil at shh.mpg.de <mailto:gil at shh.mpg.de>/
/Office Phone (Germany): +49-3641686834/
/Mobile Phone (Indonesia): +62-81281162816/
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