[Sealang-l] Fwd: Petition supporting DLI-DEL ("Documenting Endangered Languages")

Doug Cooper doug.cooper.thailand at gmail.com
Fri May 1 03:24:53 UTC 2020

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kristine Hildebrandt <khildeb at siue.edu>
Date: Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 10:33 AM
Subject: [Tibeto-burman-linguistics] Please read the Position Paper and
sign the Petition

Dear Tibeto-Burman Community:

I know that endangered language documentation is not the focus for many on
this list, strictly speaking. And, I know that international scholars may
not see National Science Foundation (United States) DLI-DEL (formerly:
"Documenting Endangered Languages") as relevant to their own projects (even
though NSF does offer many types of international collaboration
opportunities). But, if you feel some kinship with the cause that our
DLI-DEL working group is promoting, please consider reading the Position
Paper (or else just the shorter Executive Summary) and signing the petition
if you are in agreement with our recommendations.

You can see the history of this Position Paper by going to the main page.

This was an NSF-funded endeavor to assemble researchers and community
representatives who organized or participated in DEL projects, to reflect
on what NSF DEL has accomplished since it started in 2003.
Please share widely if you are so inclined.
Thank you!

('Thanks' in Manange)

*Kristine A. Hildebrandt*
*Professor, Department of English Language & Literature
*Co-Founder, Co-Director The IRIS Center <https://iris.siue.edu/> at SIUE*
*President, Endangered Language Fund

*Executive Committee Member, Association for Linguistic Typology
*Editor, Himalayan Linguistics

*Southern Illinois University Edwardsville*

*Box 1431Edwardsville, IL 62026 U.S.A.618-650-3991 (department voicemail)*

*khildeb at siue.edu <khildeb at siue.edu>http://www.siue.edu/~khildeb
Tibeto-burman-linguistics mailing list
Tibeto-burman-linguistics at listserv.linguistlist.org
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