[Sealang-l] Butterfly words in South-East-Asian languages

Kienpointner, Manfred Manfred.Kienpointner at uibk.ac.at
Wed Feb 9 15:20:14 UTC 2022

Dear colleagues,

I am a retired professor of general and applied linguistics (Univ. of Innsbruck, Austria). Among my main research areas are rhetoric and argumentation and contrastive linguistics (Latin-German, Turkish-German).

Besides, I am writing a popular booklet about general names for "butterfly" in 200 languages. With this project, I would like to draw the attention of interested lay people to the endangered status of both these charming creatures and many small indigenous languages.

Of course, I am not competent as far as the vast majority of these 200 languages is concerned. That is why I ask native speakers and experts for help and to have a controlling look at my data, which I collected from dictionaries, grammars, articles, and available internet sources.

If you could help me by having a look at my data on butterfly words in 8 South-East-Asian languages (Lhasa-Tibetan, Hmong, Thai, Lao, Vietnamese, Khmer, Burmese, Mundari), I would be very grateful and send you the respective data (a few lines per language). I also have a few Dravidian languages (Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam) in my sample of 200 languages, just in case somebody might help me with these languages, too.

Best regards,

Manfred Kienpointner

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