[Sealang-l] Call for bids to host 2023 Conference on Tone and Intonation ( 2nd TAI) [fwd]

Doug Cooper doug.cooper.thailand at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 10:15:34 UTC 2022

Contact:   Wentao Gu  wtgu at gavo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp  by 30 April 2022

After the successful 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation
(TAI 2021) <www.tai2020.org> held at the University of Southern Denmark in
Sønderborg last December, the TAI Standing Committee is calling for bids to
host the 2nd TAI conference, to be held in 2023.

Being a merger of the TAL (Tonal Aspects of Languages) and TIE (Tone and
Intonation in Europe) conference series (2004–2018), the TAI series has
inherited features of the two earlier ones. The conference accept 2-page
abstracts, has no parallel sessions and will typically feature some 2 to 6
invited speakers.

With a focus on linguistic instead of technological aspects of prosody, it
is affiliated both to ISCA and to IPA, and participants may choose to
submit their 5-page full papers after the conference to the TAI Proceedings
for publication in the ISCA archives. TAI conferences may feature workshops
at the same venue outside the conference program, before, after or during
the conference.

Since all of the TIE conferences were held in Europe, the aim for the new
TAI series is to alternate between Europe and other locations, so that TAI
2023 is preferably held outside Europe.

The task of the TAI Standing Committee is to promote the continuation of
the series, select the venue of the next conference, evaluate conferences
and any proposals for format changes. The current Standing Committee is
mostly an amalgam of former TAL/TIE and TAI organizers who have been
involved in the creation of the merger. Its members are Amalia Arvaniti,
Yiya Chen, Christian DiCanio, Wentao Gu (Chair), Carlos Gussenhoven,
Hansjörg Mixdorff, Oliver Niebuhr, Tomas Riad, Allison Wetterlin, Yi Xu,
and Margaret Zellers.

In the near future, the Standing Committee will generally include two
organizers of each of the last four TAI conferences (before the next venue
is decided) or the last three TAI conferences plus the upcoming one (after
the next venue is decided).

Bids should minimally provide the following information:
- Host institution
- General chair (and any co-organizers)
- Proposed conference dates
- Venue or general location of the venue
- Transportation and accommodation
- Estimated full and student registration fees
- Financial plan (including existing or potential funding sources)
- Plan for a virtual/hybrid mode in case of emergency, with indication of
registration fees

Any further information that may support the bid is welcome. This may
include a conference insurance fee, perhaps borne by the host institution
or the professional company that helps organize the conference.

Bids should be sent to Wentao Gu  wtgu at gavo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp by 30 April
2022, who is also available for more information.
Please feel free to distribute this message to any interested researchers.
Thank you very much!
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