[Sealang-l] 2nd Call for papers - EuroSEAS 2022

Karl Seifen karl.seifen at univ-lyon2.fr
Mon Mar 7 14:44:02 UTC 2022


2nd Call for papers - EuroSEAS 2022
Full Title: European Association for Southeast Asian Studies 2022
Short Title: EuroSEAS 2022

Call Deadline: 15 March 2021

Conference dates: 28 June-1 July 2022
Location: EHESS-Campus Condorcet, Paris-Aubervilliers, France

Contact Panel Conveners:
- Karl Seifen (karl.seifen at univ-lyon2.fr)
- Léa Mouton (Lea.Mouton at univ-lyon2.fr)

Conference Webpage: https://www.euroseas.org/accepted-panels-roundtables

Meeting Description
The European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) will hold its 12th conference at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales<https://euroseas.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=be2986dcd0761ca4f1de7c248&id=6f14413ed9&e=c18afe5473> (EHESS), on the new Campus Condorcet, Paris-Aubervilliers, France, from 28 June to 1 July 2022.
As an international and multi-disciplinary scholarly organisation, EuroSEAS invites scholars and PhD students from all academic disciplines with an interest in Southeast Asia to present a paper in one of the selected panels at the EuroSEAS conference in Paris.

Call for papers

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to circulate the Call for Papers of our accepted panel at the EuroSEAS Conference.

Language and Society in Southeast Asia: Communities, politics, and planning

This panel aims to look at the link between language and society in Southeast Asia. On this subject, we propose three themes, such as the linguistic communities (their role, languages, and documentation), politics (language policies, language of protest), and language change.
                1. The first theme focuses on linguistic communities, especially of minority languages, which include endangered languages, signed languages, immigration languages and heritage languages. Another aspect which can be developed is the documentation of the languages of such communities, with grammars, dictionaries, and corpora, as well as their revitalization and didactics.
                2. The second theme highlights the link between language and politics. Language can be understood as either an object of policies, through language policies, or, in the light of the recent protests of Southeast Asia, as an index for one’s political affiliation.
                3. The third theme questions how language can be adjusted in order to adapt to social and technological changes, including localization, neologisms and loanwords, or language standardization.
Papers are invited on these three aspects from the diverse fields of sociolinguistics, heritage language studies, language policy, linguistic description, typology, and NLP. Papers focusing on a single language, country, or case should also give a general perspective on Southeast Asia.

Paper presenters
Please send your paper abstract directly to the panel conveners and not to the EuroSEAS secretariat before 15 March 2022.

Abstracts should be written in English or French and submitted in PDF format. Abstracts must conform to the following format requirements:
- Abstract must have a clear and informative title (preferably centered at top of page, in bold, in sentence case).
- Abstracts should be one page long (A4), including figures and examples only if within the one page limit, but not including bibliographic references to be provided on a second page.
- with 2.5 cm margins, font size 11pt (in Times or Times New Roman), simple space.

Accepted papers will last 20 minutes with an additional discussion period at the end of the session.

Important deadlines
15 March 2022: Submission paper proposals to panel convener
1 April 2022: Notification of acceptance

The panel conveners committee.
Karl Seifen
Léa Mouton

More info at https://www.euroseas.org/
The local conference website [https://www.euroseas2022.org/] will be launched very soon!

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