on the Hunter posting

Georges Adassovsky gadassov at mail.pf
Fri Oct 10 10:10:49 UTC 1997

>> You are lucky : I for one didn't receive any answer at all. As it is
>> despising an attitude to the professors who wrote letters of
>> recommendation, I don't apply any more. These professors often ask me
>> wether I received some news "from America", and I am ashamed to answer :
>"no answer".
> I bet a part of this problem is the new immigration laws.  tFrom now on
>they are putting much more responsibiluty in American employers;
>consequently,these employers are reluctunt to hire a specialist from
>another country.  Too much hassle and unpredictable results. Besides,
>the salary of those invited should match that of US citizens.
>Just my thoughts.

Immigration laws don't prevent an university to write a letter ! They
posted an add, and when one bother to answer, to communicate his curriculum
vitae, and has three professors write letters of recommendation, in hand
writting as it is the rule in France,  the most elementary correctness
demands they answer something. Beside, prior to postulating, I exchanged
several E-mails, communicated my background, was told that there was no
problem with nationality, and was "encouraged" to apply. Otherwise, I
wouldn't have asked for letters of recommendation. A shame!


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