Position open with IREX in Vladivostok (fwd)

Devin P Browne dpbrowne+ at pitt.edu
Fri Oct 10 21:36:11 UTC 1997

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 20:04:00 -0400
From: "J. Marlow Schmauder" <mschmaud at mail.irex.org>
Reply-To: civilsoc at SOLAR.RTD.UTK.EDU
To: Multiple recipients of list <civilsoc at SOLAR.RTD.UTK.EDU>
Subject: Position open with IREX in Vladivostok

                               POSITION VACANCY

The International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) seeks a Program
Officer to head its Vladivostok, Russia office. The position is available


* Provide oversight of IREX activities,operations, and programs in the
Russian Far East (RFE);

* Implement on-site IREX academic, policy, advising and professional
training programs in the RFE and surrounding region;

* Represent IREX endeavors and support program development through
outreach in the scholarly, policy, corporate and NGO communities;

* Liaise with US Consular and USIA/USIS officials;

* Administer on-site programs to include, but not limited to, publication
of opportunities, recruitment, tracking alumni and developing alumni
activities, and facilitation of research visits; and

* Manage a staff of two Russian nationals.


The successful candidate will have the following qualifications:

* A university degree in area studies or equivalent experience;

* Native English and fluent Russian language skills;

* Previous experience in the RFE or regions of the RFE; and

* Experience in training, management, business development and
international programs.


IREX is a Washington, DC-based not-for-profit organization with field
offices in seventeen cities of Central and Eastern Europe and the New
Independent States (NIS). IREX provides field access for US specialists to
scholars, policymakers, and research resources of the NIS, CEE, and East
Asia. IREX also designs and implements professional training programs to
help policy and academic specialists from the region overcome a legacy of
international isolation. In these efforts, IREX builds on strong
organizational alliances with major US academic, government, foundation,
business, and media partners.


Open until filled.


Please submit a cover letter and detailed resume to Annette Bell at IREX
via email at abell at irex.org or by fax at (202) 628-8189.

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