1999 Summer Language Programs

Vicki Mills vmills at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Dec 1 15:55:35 UTC 1998

At 10:08 AM 12/1/98 EST, you wrote:
>Does anyone know of a list/lists of summer 1999 programs, linguistic and
>others (including volunteer ops), in former Eastern Bloc countries?

AAASS publishes a listing of summer programs that offer instruction in the
languages of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe each year in the
January issue of its newsletter NewsNet. Some information on study tours is
also included (but not volunteer opportunities).

Also, AATSEEL maintains web pages with current information on summer
language programs throughout the year at

Best regards,

Vicki Mills
Program Administrator and NewsNet Editor
American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS)
8 Story Street
Cambridge, MA  02138
Tel.: 617-495-0677, Fax: 617-495-0680
E-mail: vmills at fas.harvard.edu

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