AATSEEL Program by Email

David J Birnbaum djbpitt+ at pitt.edu
Wed Dec 2 15:04:21 UTC 1998

Dear SEELANGers,

> Is the program for San Francisco available by email?  If so, I would
> appreciate your sending it to me.

I've sent a plain text copy of the program to Ms. Orwin by private email.
If anyone else does not have access to the web
(http://clover.slavic.pitt.edu/~djb/aatseel.html), you may request a plain
text copy of the program by email from any member of the Program

With best wishes,

(Chair, AATSEEL Program Committee)

Professor David J. Birnbaum     email: djbpitt+ at pitt.edu
Department of Slavic Languages  url:   http://clover.slavic.pitt.edu/~djb/
1417 Cathedral of Learning      voice: 1-412-624-5712
University of Pittsburgh        fax:   1-412-624-9714
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA

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