Sending $ to Kursk

Richard taymar at
Thu Dec 3 00:11:52 UTC 1998

>At 18:08 -0500 13/11/98, Eva Easton wrote:
>>I am passing along a question from a friend who wants to send money to
>>relatives in Kursk, Russia.  What is the easiest, safest, & least expensive
>>way to send money to Russia.
>>Thank you.
>Take some touristic brochure printed on glazed paper, put between two pages
>a hundred dollars note, wrapped in chocolate paper, paste the two pages
>together, send it as ordinary mail and inform your correspondent via
>separate mail about the place you concealed the money.

I agree some sort of VERY good deception is the best and probably the only
method. I have relatives in Ukraine who we tried to send money to and EVERY
time the letter with the money never made it. The postal system is very
corrupt I think all foreign mail is opened and examined for money before it
is delivered. The letters we sent with actual cash never made it through
normal letters did. We tried sending money through a European bank once to
be transfered to a Ukrainian bank but almost all of the money was taken by
"taxes" and my realtives received virtually none of it. If you know someone
who is going and you can trust would also be a good way.



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"Kirk was wrong when he said I didn't know where movie scripts left off and
life began.  A movie script has to make sense, and life doesn't."
- Humphrey Bogart from Joseph L. Mankiewicz's "The Barefoot Contessa."


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