sopocka szkola jezyka polskiego

Mon Dec 7 16:35:42 UTC 1998

> From: TTU::KCHRISTIANS  "KEVIN CHRISTIANSON"  7-DEC-1998 10:30:21.14
> To:   IN%"seelangs at"
> Subj: Sopocka Szkola Jezyka Polskiego
> The school's FAX is 48.58.5500696 and it's probably the fastest means of
> getting a copy of their flyer w/dates of sessions and costs within a day or
> two. (They'll respond pretty fast to your fax, and will mail you
> a hard copy of the brochure and application form within a week.)
> If you are interested in the Sopot program, it's a good idea to apply early
> because the school gives a 10% discount to those who enroll three months in
> advance of the session they wish to attend.
> I had a good experience attending this school in July last summer, and the
> motivated one is the more one learns. The average age of the students must
> been 30-35, and the level of commitment to study is quite high, especially in
> the more advanced groups. The teachers are excellent, and there's none of that
> American "nurturing" or "touchy-feely" stuff nor idle chit-chat. Very
> professional.
> My only reservation about the groups I was in was that I personally need more
> practice in listening comprehension and speaking skills, and would have like
> have a bit more of that than reading and written work. But I have no serious
> complaints about my study or the teaching at the school, and recommend it
> highly.
> Kevin
> Kevin Christianson, Ph.D              <<KCHRISTIANS at>>
> English Department / Box 5053 / Tennessee Tech University / Cookeville, TN
> "the pure products of America go crazy" --wc williams
> "znow przemeblowanie w piekle / czyni wladza zbrojnych kanibali" Marianna
> [again the government of armed cannibals / rearranges the furniture in hell]

Kevin Christianson, Ph.D                <<KCHRISTIANS at>>
English Department / Box 5053 / Tennessee Tech University / Cookeville, TN 38505
"the pure products of America go crazy" --wc williams
"znow przemeblowanie w piekle / czyni wladza zbrojnych kanibali" Marianna Bocian
[again the government of armed cannibals / rearranges the furniture in hell]

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