photograph of N.A. Rubakin

KeenanE at KeenanE at
Tue Dec 8 19:49:34 UTC 1998

I would recommend that you contact Edward Kasinec at the Slavonic
Division of the New York Public Library, or John S. G. Simmons at All
Souls College, Oxford.

>-----Original Message-----
>From:  Wim Coudenys [SMTP:wim.coudenys at]
>Sent:  Friday, December 04, 1998 6:20 PM
>Subject:       photograph of N.A. Rubakin
>Dear Colleagues,
>Some months ago, I finished my biography of the Russian polygraph Ivan
>Nazhivin (1874-1940), but before it is published, I would like to know
>whether someone could help me with finding a picture of the famous
>bibliographer Nikolaj A. Rubakin, who was a close friend of Nazhivin. Are
>there any pictures of him available in public domains?
>Thanks in advance,
>W. Coudenys
>Dr. Wim Coudenys
>Heidebergstraat 179
>B-3010 Kessel-Lo

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