Fw: centr-and-east-euro-music

Andrew Jameson a.jameson at dial.pipex.com
Wed Dec 9 21:42:05 UTC 1998

Replies to Ann Buckley please.

> From: Ann Buckley <aab3 at cam.ac.uk>
> To: walkr at essex.ac.uk
> Cc: a.jameson at dial.pipex.com
> Subject:
> Date: 04 December 1998 17:19
>                          CENTR-AND-EAST-EURO-MUSIC
> This list exists in order to communicate ideas and engage in discussion on
> musicological research on Central and Eastern Europe. Musicology is here
> defined in the widest sense to include historical musicology, theory,
> analysis, criticism, ethnomusicology, sociology, iconography, organology,
> and interdisciplinary studies which include a music component. Other useful
> material such as information on libraries, archives, conferences, and
> publications is welcome.
> It is hoped that members of this list will feel free to contribute in a
> spirit of collegiality, without limitation by status or nationality.
> We would emphasise that the regional and thematic scope of this list is
> conceived in the most inclusive possible way. Every group or community of
> people, whether as members of a nation-state, or of a cultural region,
> shares a strong sense of identity and of distinctiveness from other groups.
> Hence any attempt to use general terms such as 'central', 'east', 'west',
> 'north', or 'south', will give rise to some disagreement as to what they
> precisely mean. Our aim, however, is to bring people in, and not to make
> anyone feel excluded. Perhaps we all need to recognise that identification
> problems are bound up in processes of integration in which we all are
> involved.
> In short, we welcome participation in this list from all who study any
> aspect of music, past or present, in which the primary focus is on regions
> to the east of a line running roughly north-south from Germany to the
> Adriatic.
> To send a *message* to the list (in other words, to people), send it to:
>         centr-and-east-euro-music at mailbase.ac.uk
> To send a *command* to the list, for joining, leaving, etc. (in other
> words, to a machine), leave the subject line blank in your message and send
> it to:
>         mailbase at mailbase.ac.uk
> Examples of commands:
>         review centr-and-east-euro-music
> (for a list of all current members)
>         join centr-and-east-euro-music FIRSTNAME LASTNAME
> (to subscribe to the list)
>         leave centr-and-east-euro-music
> (to sign off from the list)
> Please encourage your colleagues to join and use this list. The more
> members there are, the more useful the list will be.
> Ann Buckley                   Geoffrey Chew
> University of Cambridge               Royal Holloway College
>                               (University of London)
> Internet: centr-and-east-euro-music-request at mailbase.ac.uk

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