possible plagiarism

David Burrous dburrous at jeffco.k12.co.us
Wed Dec 16 19:22:09 UTC 1998

I have an idea.  Why not ask the student to supply the instructor with the items
listed in the
bibliography.  If these are the materials that the student used to write the
it would seem
that the student would have them.  I suspect the plagiarized sections will

Gould, Stephany L wrote:

> I searched a couple of sites and one of them,
> http://www.academictermpapers.com/, had the following paper:
> 09337 SOLZHENITSYN'S CANCER WARD. This contemporary Russian novel is
> reviewed in the context of the Russian psyche and its relation to the themes
>  motifs
> suggested in 19th century Russian literature (Dostoevsky
> and Tolstoy). 7p. 12f. 5b.
> I also found one on Solzhenitsyn and morality at
> http://www.termpapers-on-file.com/literature4.htm#russianliterature
> However, it seems like the first one is more on topic.
> Hope this helps!
> Stephany
> --
> Dr. Stephany Gould
> Director, Language Learning Center
> James Madison University

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