Pushkin Society and Pushkin Review

Megan mld at prin.edu
Wed Dec 16 21:35:23 UTC 1998

Dear Ian,

I don't know whether you'll get this before you shut down for the
holidays...  Sorry to be out of touch for so long!  I assume that we'll
confer about the journal in San Francisco when we can all have tea together
or something.  I saw David Bethea a couple of weeks ago and he is still
swamped.  He suggests only announcing the journal issue again at the
Pushkin panel in SF and drumming up other support there.  I am supposed to
try to send out a message to American Pushkinists about the need for
articles (we have received two) -- which I hope that I will get to before
tomorrow morning.  It's on my list.  Have you had any inquiries?

Here's hoping your semester went well -- see you soon.


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