Benjamin Sher sher07 at
Sun Dec 20 13:50:54 UTC 1998

Dear Colleagues:

A real Christmas present for all of us from TV CENTER, the FIRST
Russian television station broadcasting on the Internet in Russian.

TV CENTER broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, around the
clock. The programming consists of a 30-minute Novosti program
plus a variety of features and archived programs (Daidgest). The
programs are all in color and use the state of the art technology of
RealPlayer G2, which is available free from:

Be sure to download the FREE RealPlayer G2, which is more than
adequate, unless you wish to have the extra features of
RealPlayerPlus. Make sure you look carefully until you find the
FREE RealPlayer G2, which you will find hidden away in a small box
on the top right of the RealPlayer home page.

There is, as you know, a station called Russian Today which
broadcasts from Russian daily but in English only.

Finally, I tested TV CENTER using RealPlayer G2 with both IE 4.01
SP1 and Netscape 4.06. It works equally well on both.

Some time ago, I recommended the videos on a variety of cultural
subjects found on the St. Petersburg Fitness Center
( or These videos are
definitely worth watching, but I personally have only been able to
access them using RealPlayer G2 with IE 4.01 SP1 but NOT with
Netscape 4.06. Some people have written to me to say that they
have been unable to access them with either IE or Netscape. I have
written to the webmaster but have yet to hear from him. Yet, I have
no problem accessing most other RealPlayer G2 web sites using
Netscape. The only other option I can suggest is to use RealPlayer
5.0. If you are interested in using RealPlayer G2 on this site, may I
recommend leaving a message on their "Obratnaia Sviaz'". Look for
it on their home page.

At any rate, TV CENTER deserves our strong support as the very
first Russian television station on the Internet. Truly exciting! May I
ask each of you, at your convenience, to send them a note of thanks.
You'll find their email address on the "Vse O Nas page". Look for "S
udovol'stiem... Zhdem vas." I am sure they will be thrilled to hear
from each of us.

If you should misplace or lose this information, you can always find
it under Radio-TV and Radio-TV/List on my SRIndex, the address of
which is at the bottom of my signature.



Merry Christmas



Benjamin Sher
Sher's Russian Web and Index

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