Need help - abbreviation (Russian)

Jerry Ervin Jerry_Ervin at
Mon Dec 21 20:14:09 UTC 1998

Dear Colleagues,

My brother (a trombonist) has been invited to play some concerts and do
some master classes in Almaty (formerly Alma-Ata) this spring.  He has now
received the official "priglashenie," and I'm translating it for him.  No
problems except one:  an abbreviation.  From the context it's clear, but
can anyone possibly help me with this:

[name] . . . provedet master-klass, budet predsedatelem GEK.  [That's E
oborotnoje in the middle.]

I assume it means the jury committee, i.e., the faculty group that will
listen to the graduating students' performances and decide on their passing
marks.  But I'd like to know exactly what it is so I can do a good

Thanks (ot imeni mojego brata it ot menja samogo....)!

Jerry Ervin

*  *  *  *  *
Gerard L. (Jerry) Ervin
Executive Director, American Ass'n of Teachers of 
Slavic & E European Languages (AATSEEL)
1933 N. Fountain Park Dr., Tucson, AZ 85715 USA
Phone/fax:  520/885-2663
Email:  76703.2063 at
AATSEEL Home Page: <>
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