Need help - abbreviation (Russian)

Irina Ustinova ipustino at
Tue Dec 22 14:55:33 UTC 1998

At 03:14 PM 12/21/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Colleagues,
>My brother (a trombonist) has been invited to play some concerts and do
>some master classes in Almaty (formerly Alma-Ata) this spring.  He has now
>received the official "priglashenie," and I'm translating it for him.  No
>problems except one:  an abbreviation.  From the context it's clear, but
>can anyone possibly help me with this:
>[name] . . . provedet master-klass, budet predsedatelem GEK.  [That's E
>oborotnoje in the middle.]

GEK- gosydarstvennaya ekzamenatsionnaya komissiya
>I assume it means the jury committee, i.e., the faculty group that will
>listen to the graduating students' performances and decide on their passing
>marks.  But I'd like to know exactly what it is so I can do a good

You are right. GEK is at the end of the academic year for those students who
graduate this year

Irena Ustinova
>Thanks (ot imeni mojego brata it ot menja samogo....)!
>Jerry Ervin
>*  *  *  *  *
>Gerard L. (Jerry) Ervin
>Executive Director, American Ass'n of Teachers of
>Slavic & E European Languages (AATSEEL)
>1933 N. Fountain Park Dr., Tucson, AZ 85715 USA
>Phone/fax:  520/885-2663
>Email:  76703.2063 at
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