plagiarism: web site

Sandra Layman sandl at
Wed Dec 23 04:32:38 UTC 1998

I'm catching up on old e-mail and just ran across the following item from
Edupage, 8 Dec. 1998.
Maybe it'll be of interest after the recent discussion of plagiarism.

As students' use of the World Wide Web has increased, reports of
term papers have proliferated.  Now there's a new Web site designed to
ferret out cut-and-paste papers, and the developers are pitching their
product to professors and academic deans in the hope they'll be willing to
pay for such a service.  Dubbed IntegriGuard, the site checks the text of a
submitted paper against the text of all the papers in its database, and
gives it a "pass" or "fail" grade.  The database includes about 600 papers
so far, most of them purchased from term-paper mills.  All papers submitted
for inspection will also be added to the database.  The developers hope
eventually professors will routinely use their site for all submissions:
"The concept of the whole site is the deterrent that it creates," says
co-developer Warren Brantner.  (Chronicle of Higher Education 11 Dec 98)

(Unfortunately, the URL was not given.)

Best wishes,
Sandra Layman
Translator and interpreter, Romanian-English
sandl at

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