Russian Elementary Songs and Games

Stephen L. Baehr slbaehr at VT.EDU
Mon Jun 5 18:33:37 UTC 2000

I am forwarding a request that I received from an elementary school teacher
for some help. I'd appreciate any help that SEELANGERS could give her.
Please respond directly to her off line. Thanks.

Steve Baehr

>Return-path: <jpacheco44 at>
>Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2000 20:11:17 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Jean Pacheco <jpacheco44 at>
>Subject: Russian Elementary Songs and Games
>To: slbaehr at
>X-Originating-IP: []
>Hello.  I am an elementary Spanish teacher.  This summer I have been asked
>to teach a course in elmentary Russian to students in grades K-7.  I have
>never taught Russian before.  Do you happen to have any games or songs for
>this level that you could e-mail me?  Your help would deeply be appreciated.
>Thank you.
>Jean L. Pacheco
>jpacheco44 at
>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
Stephen L. Baehr
(NOTE NEW E-MAIL: slbaehr at
Professor of Russian
Editor, +Slavic and East European Journal+
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0225
Phones: (540) 231-8323 (Direct); 231-9846 (SEEJ Ed. Asst.).
FAX: (540)-231-4812

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