Why students do not study Russian anymore?

Elena Kobzeva elenakh at RCCD.CC.CA.US
Mon Jun 5 20:58:01 UTC 2000

Please ignore the previous message.  The spell checker didn't work.Sorry.

Dear Colleagues,


Right now I am doing a Program Review for Russian.

There was and there is a decline in interest to learn Russian.

In our college we try to do our best to keep the Russian program alive. Is spite of all the efforts we make, we were only able to open Russian 1 last semester (fall 1999) and we could not get enough people for Russian 2.  It's very sad. Isn't it?  I would like to find out how other colleges and universities deal with the same problem.  In your opinion, why students do not study Russian anymore? Any comments, suggestions are welcome.

A few years ago there was an article  in N.Y. Times (may be I am not wrong)about this issue. May be somebody still have it. Please can you fax it to me?

Please email me off the list.

Elena Kobzeva-Herzog
tel:(909) 222-8287

email:elenakh at rccd.cc.ca.us

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